Sunday, 30 March 2014

Trailer - Final Edit

This is the final edit of our trailer edited by Donjeta Salihi and Jack Breckell.
We used Movie Studio Platinum to create the majority of the transactions and to develop the cinematography into a film trailer, with the help of Adobe After Effects to create graphics such as reviews from magazines and newspapers. For the soundtrack we used Adobe Audition CS6 to adjust the tempo of the music in order to fit in with the dialogue used in our trailer, as well as adjusting the tempo of the sound effects.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Film Magazine - Graphics Style

This is our design for the ancillary task (magazine). We chose the title 'canned' as it is a short, snappy name that is memorable, it also is quite relevant as the word 'canned' is media terminology, it is also suited to our genre 'social realism'. For the main image, we photographed our lead actress Naomi Porter, and edited the photo using Photoshop; we took inspiration from the independent film magazine ‘Little White Lies’ and added a posterized effect to create an illustrative style image. By adding a pink overlay to the main image, we hoped to create contrast between the image and the masthead, our reasons for choosing the colour pink are because it is visually striking, and fits in with our film theme. We have chosen unconventional typography and have stuck to two main fonts so that our magazine has a theme and is coherent. We believe have included most of the typical conventions for film magazines whilst maintaining our individual style.

Jack Breckell & Donjeta Salihi 


          Breaking Faith - RECCE

Choosing a location to film was a decision that we thought long and hard about, it was very important to us all, as we knew that the location is what would make or break the film. We wanted to choose a house with a relatively middle class interior, in an average suburban location, our reasons for choosing this setting was because we wanted to steer away from the typical working class environments that social realist films are usually set in as we felt like it would be intuitive to push the boundaries of the genre and show that these sorts of current issues can happen to anyone, no matter what your social status. The bedroom in which we see the main character, Faith, is simplistic and clean. The reason for choosing such a neutral setting is because we wanted the audience to focus of the emotion of the character and not be distracted by her surroundings. The world map that is on the back wall of the bedroom was placed there to give the impression that the character is fairly intellectual and well travelled, which emphasises the fact that the trauma she goes through can happen to anyone.

-Jack Breckell

Monday, 24 March 2014


- Lauren Abbott, Donjeta Salihi, Jack Breckell and Darcia Kopycka-Wright

Cyberbully Film Analysis

-Lauren Abbott


-Lauren Abbott


-Lauren Abbott

Feedback Questionaire

Feedback Questionnaire

This is our social realist feedback questionaire that will have given to a group of a variety of different students with different views and opinions to get a wide range of comments on our social realist trailer.

(please circle)

1. What is your gender?

Male    Female

2. How old are you?

15-17    18-20    21-23    24-26    27-29    30+

3. Do you know what a Social Realist film is?

Yes    No

4. Do you think we represented the social realist genre well in our short trailer?

Yes    No

5. Do you think the sound track ‘Digital Controller’ suited well with our trailer?

Yes    No

6. Who would you imagine watching this type of film? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

7. What type of channel would you expect this trailer to be seen on? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

8. Would you recommend this trailer to anyone else?

Yes    No

9. From watching this trailer would you want to watch the film?

Yes    No

10. What do you dis/like most about this trailer? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

- Darcia Kopycka-Wright

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Choosing a Film Title

We believe that the title of a film plays a very important role in how the film is perceived to the audience. From an early stage we decided to include the main characters name because the name we chose for her could be interpreted in more than one way.

Lauren Abbott, Darcia Kopycka-Wright, Donjeta Salihi and Jack Breckell


Through the process of editing, the music that we originally chose didnt seem to fit in well with the actual feel of the trailer sequence we were trying to get as it seemed to be to calm and the sound didnt seem to change much, so we have had to change it to 'digital controller' which we sourced from the felt music library which is where the original sound track was obtained from.

The new track is alot more upbeat and dramatic to grab the auidiences attention, the track also includes a female vocalist, which makes it more like a social realist soundtrack like the one we hear in Fishtank. The vocals of the song are pretty interesting as they seem to have certain lyrics that relate to the storyline.

- Darcia Kopycka-Wright and Donjeta Salihi

Breaking Faith Film Poster

Breaking Faith Film Poster Version 1 Of 3

Breaking Faith Film Poster Version 2 Of 3

Breaking Faith Film Poster Version 3 Of 3

 - Jack Breckell

Once Were Warriors

- Darcia Kopycka-Wright

Monday, 17 March 2014

Roles and Responsibilities

Our group has shared out the roles and responsibilities equally throughout, making sure that everyone has one specific job to do, even though the set job roles are specific to each person we all contributed to help each other out on every task.

Lauren Abbott, the cinematographer was in charge of shooting the scene and taking responsibility for some of the camera work. Skills involved were; correct angles appropriate to the shot, right camera settings to work with the lighting and composition of the shot itself.

Donjeta Salihi, the editor was responsible for uploading the footage to the editing software, Movie Studio Platinum 12.0, and using various computer skills to achieve a movie trailer that ran smoothly through the use of cuts and transitions. This also involved adding in the graphics using Adobe After Effects

Darcia Kopycka-Wright, the sound engineer's main role was to find and upload a suitable soundtrack that correlated to the edit and filming in the overall trailer. Alongside this, when filming it was Darcia's job to ensure that the sound was recorded properly and this involved using a tascam.

Jack Breckell, the art director was in control of the costume and mise en scene design that would be appropriate for each scene. This included composition of the set-up so that the cinematographer was still able to get a clear shot with no obstruction.

- Darcia Kopycka-Wright and Lauren Abbott

Movie Poster

This is our first development of a movie poster for our film. We used my poster design layout to guide me, although we have made some small alterations to fit the text on. For this poster we photographed the female protagonist sitting on the floor in the corner looking distressed, she is in a school environment, you can tell this by the lockers in particular. This correlates to the movie trailer because there are scenes involving the school. We decided to add a 'posterize' effect to the image to make the photo look more effective and again portraying the social realist genre because the image has become grainy through the use of the edit.
For the typography we used the 'Prestige Elite Standard' font, this typography indicates typing therefore relating to one of our main themes within the film of cyber bullying. We edited the title and the release date fonts to have a drop shadow and an outer glow; our intention with this was to catch the viewer's attention.
On the poster we have also included a quote and rating from an independent film magazine, relative to our work because this looks believable enough to be rated by this magazine. Alongside this, we have also included small print at the bottom informing the viewer of the institution and other information with the film certificate; again this would appeal to our target audience.

This is our second development, we decided to use a different design layout to work better with the different image. This photograph was taken on school grounds but it is an exterior shot. For the main image we decided to duplicate a section of the image of our female protagonist so that we could overlay this colour image on a black and white background. we wanted to experiment with this style because it shows there are themes included in the film that aren't always positive and therefore it relays the mood of the film. Similar to my first poster, we kept the same font for the same reasons, however, we only added a drop shadow to the title.

-Lauren Abbott

Magazine Layouts/Design/Final

When looking at making a magazine cover I took inspiration from the layouts I created. The overall layout of this particular magazine cover is extremely simple, this is because the colour makes it stand out a lot and the idea was to draw the audience into the main image and title of the film, as you can see I have the same magazine layout but I have just changed the filter from vibrant to a more monochrome effect. I like the way the monochrome effect works in contrast with the title 'Blackout' however it slightly washes out the other text. The typefaces used have been kept very bold and clean rather than having anything too distracting drawing peoples attention away.


- Darcia Kopycka-Wright

Poster Design Layouts

-Lauren Abbott

Little White Lies Magazine Cover Analysis

-Lauren Abbott